Sunday, April 09, 2006

When will we learn the lesson?

Last week Cindy Sheehan wrote an article about the peace movement. In it she spoke about being young, living through the 1960's. So many events are connected. So many of the same lessons are put in front of us. When will we learn our lesson?

Cindy Sheehan and I lived through the Vietnam War. My children are living in George Bush's war. I told my husband last night how we haven't learned our lesson. It's exactly the same war, only a different time. And then I think this is much worse. The hate we are breading world wide will come to haunt us in our future. Much worse than we put out when I was a child.

War is mass murder. What makes people think its OK to kill thousands of other humans just like themselves? What gives them the right to say their life is better than the next? Because people live in fear. Fear they imagine. Why can't they only imagine peace? Why can't they imagine loving one another than the hate they feel inside for the "enemy."

I'm listening to John Kerry on MTP with Tiny Tim. His words sound strong, but I don't believe him. I did trust him, once. But no longer. He will always be to me "the one who gave up." He say's he made mistakes but actions mean more than words.

Kerry spoke about his visit to the wall last night. He talked about walking down the path of the wall, how big the wall gets at one point. So many names we added after they knew the war was going wrong. Kerry talked about how he was not going to let the Iraq wall get as big as the Vietnam wall. He and all others need to put their words into action. With all their energy they need to end George and Dick's money making, people killing war.

I was overtaken on my visit to the wall while I was in DC for the September 2005 protest. The bottom is so deep, the wall is so high, filled with small little lettering of so many names. It's more than a peaceful soul can take. How much can your soul take? When will we learn our lesson?

May Peace be inside all of us,