Friday, May 18, 2007

Morgan and Move America Forward are no better than the KKK

Melanie Morgan is one of the biggest drum beaters for the other side of the divide. Her and the group she belongs to, Move America Forward, are some of the most hate filled selfish people in our country. They believe they come first before any other. If you don't believe as they do your not being an American. They are the true Americans in their eyes.

This "award winning" (as she calls herself) reporter, Morgan, can write about so much hate. I'm amazed all the time what she spews. You have to read her latest.

Despite Sen. Harry Reid's determination that the United States has lost the war in Iraq, our troops are still dug in like there's real hope. What are these guys thinking? Do they believe America, the world's only super power, has a real chance to beat a rag-tag group of terrorists who hide in caves and use cell-phone batteries and children's toys in their high-tech war on the West?

Many pro-troop, pro-American and pro-defense groups are still very much alive and thriving, but the liberal media are largely ignoring our efforts. They pretend our voices don't matter because the polls say we are in the minority. Despite their phony claims of giving voice to minority opinions, the media have turned their backs on any idea that doesn't fit their template of this "lost" war.

A reporter from the UK wanted to do an article about both sides of the divide. It was hard for him to find a group who supports the PNAC and their invasion in Iraq. As Morgan states in her article, there aren't many people that think like them. After the reporter found out about Morgan and her group his choice was not to include some of their statements in his article. Because he did this Morgan is calling him "liberal media" and whining how she can't get her message out to the masses.

Being American is having freedoms of all kinds. Freedom and choices within the society we live in at the time. Everyone get's to have their voice heard. All walks of life are allowed to exist here. Just because someone doesn't think like you doesn't mean they don't have a right to exist as your neighbor or that they aren't an American. I may not like anything about the KKK but I do accept their right to exist. I only hope they stay small as a group. Most people realize hating someone because of the color of their skin is so wrong. Still there are a few who do. Most people realize what we have done in Iraq is wrong. When you do something wrong you try to make it right. Most Americans realize this except a very few who want to use fear to control masses. Iraq can not be won because we were wrong to invade the country in the first place. This was not done because of 9/11. It was done by the PNAC who wanted to control that part of the world and their oil. They wanted to make grand oil profits and they have.

We can no longer be a presence in Iraq. The longer we stay, the more hate we breed in their youth. The youth who have to live with death and destruction daily. Imagine if our kids had to live they way the Iraqi kids are growing up with. Imagine the hate our kids would have with the people doing this to them. Morgan and her group do not understand this. They only understand "there going to kill us if we don't kill them". Don't kill them and they won't want to come kill you. Our actions have reactions. Since the 1950's we have been doing wrong in the middle east. Now we are receiving the reactions to those actions many years ago. How much worst does Morgan and her crowd want this to get for our children in their future. Does she want to create so much hate we destroy the world?

Good job Mr Benson, reporter from the UK, for not spewing the crap Morgan and her group Move America Forward put out. They can try all they want to get their hate message out, just like the KKK. We have a choice how long and far we'll let their message travel. But, just like the KKK when you start hearing these people speak you realize how crazy they are.

May PEACE be inside ALL of us ~ for our children and their future,

Mahablog has more and video of Morgan spewing her crap on PBS. She's won't be invited back. Actions have reactions Ms. Morgan.