Tuesday, February 20, 2007

What divides us and why we will stay divided

Last week, helicopters were a buzz around my house here in Hollywood. For hours they were hovering around the hospital a few blocks away from where I live. It took a while but then I heard the news, Anna Nicole had died at the Hard Rock. I had to go to work that evening and drove past the hospital. I couldn't believe how many news trucks were parked on Johnson Street.

Ya know what? I don't care. I tell my children all the time-you do good, you get good. You do bad, you get bad. Meaning the choices you make through life will either bring you happiness or they could bring a whole lot of stuff you don't want. Anna did not make good choices in her life - all her life. I'm not surprised what happened to her. What I am surprised by is the media...The circus media. Why do we let them do this to us? With all the crap going on today and this is their choice to use our airways bring us the news of a messed up person ending her life. I care about all the people dying in Iraq, not his person, this one person. Show me again the plane we were told about on 9/11. Where is that plane?

This kind of media produces people who don't care. They pimp their facade of the war of what the president does or doesn't do. They fill time with useless information. Some people on the other side of the divide believe what is being pimped to them. Lets take for instant this person:

City Council joins with Sheehan, Fonda

The politically motivated City Council finally joined the likes of Jane Fonda and Cindy Sheehan siding with America's enemies, because they believe war is taking too much money from their liberal programs ("City Council to voice opposition to war," Feb. 13).

We should support our men and women who have volunteered to put their lives on the line to fight the war on terror. Let's rely on military leaders to decide what it takes to bring this war to a successful conclusion, rather than a bunch of amateurs. The council's actions do nothing but give aid and comfort to and embolden the enemy, and demoralize the troops. People voting for this kooky resolution will have blood of our military on their hands.

I often think about and wonder how many of those killed in my unit would be alive today, if America had supported the war in Vietnam instead of the enemy. Some things are far worse than war and City Council doesn't have a clue what it is. I hope David Crowley's and Mark Mallory's trip to Washington to provide anti-war support to our enemy was paid for by personal funds, rather than the taxpayer.

Arthur Smith, Loveland

I shake my head and think we have to live with people like this. At least there aren't many of them that think this way. First of all, why all the name calling- and who made liberal a bad name? Fonda and Sheehan do not side with this persons enemies. The actions of the past administrations have sided more with their enemy then these two people. Who sells this persons enemies the bombs that blow up our military? Rumsfeld maybe?

You know if Alex Arredondo only had more bullets, had the same helmets our police use at the peace rallies maybe he would still be alive today. So much death because the choices people make...The bad choices people make. Choices that have reactions to us all.

We SHOULD SUPPORT our all volunteer military by stop killing them. Stop doing stupid things with their life for the love of money and power. Both wars the person speaks of were wrong wars. Both wars they used fear to control people like Mr Smith. There is no war on terror just like there is no war on drugs. This is something that is pimped by the media to control people like this.
"Some things are far worse than war and City Council doesn't have a clue what it is." Said Mr Smith. He lives in fear that exist in his brain while the real person who can do some damage to him is the people in power who make really bad choices. The people who have blood on their hands are those who use the military to invade another country when they, themselves won't go to a wrong war of their time. The people who support "the decider" have the blood on their hands, not the people trying to save military lives by bringing them home from a place they should have never been sent in the first place

You do good, you get good. You do bad, you get bad. Your actions have reactions on yourself and others. Whats your choice on how to be in this life?

May peace be inside all of us,