Monday, May 29, 2006

Remembering them on Memorial Day

Every year, for memorial day, I make a display to put in my front yard to remind all who pass what the day is really about. I live across from the post office, so my street is heavily traveled. This year I scaled it down a bit because we are getting a lot of rain. Support our Troops, Bring them home NOW Remember Them 2,464 so we are told.

Last year I printed out 1,644 names on a list, put them on a sign. I made a special tribute to Casey Sheehan who's birthday is on Memorial Day and Alex Arredondo who was my neighbor's son. I made copies of Carly's Poem (Casey's Sister) to hand out for Casey on top of his sign and I copied a letter Alex had sent home to hand out on the top of Alex's sign.

Now is time to straighten something out and really honor our fallen. I'm reading Letters to the editor and someone had to print this:

Thanks should go to all in military

No one has died in vain, I am sure. Cindy Sheehan is full of manure. Bush didn't kill her son, a hero, who would be ashamed of her rantings and self-serving search for fame.

Every day is Memorial Day for families who suffer a loss. Think of them in your thoughts and prayers, and thank them, thank them, that's all.

Tobi Cantwell, Poughkeepsie

First of all Tobi Cantwell from Poughkeepse your full of manure, when was your FREEDOM EVER IN JEOPARDY? You have no chances of losing your freedom from Iraq. Do you think they were going to come here to get us if we didn't go over there? Slap yourself and wake yourself up from the lala dream your living in. The ones who are taking away your freedom are your own government. These kids who are dying are being murdered by BushCo. They stole the election, allowed 9/11 to happen so they could use the military as pawns to make TONS of money!

SECOND, my friend Cindy Sheehan is not spending her son, Casey's, birthday with the rest of her family where she wants to be. She is traveling around the world trying to undo the damage done to us by the man who killed her son. She doesn't have to do this, but she does. She does it so other parents won't have to go through what she and her family went through. She is trying to end the madness created by Bush. I will always be proud of her and her actions. She doesn't do it for the "fame" as you say. She does it because she loves the military and she wants our government to stop using them as pawns and STOP KILLING THEM! Jesus, when will you people get it? Stop living in fear that the other person is going to blow you up!

Enjoy your moments with your children today. Moments Cindy Sheehan, Carlos Arredondo and so many other no longer have with their children.

May peace be inside all of us, Cindy