Sunday, October 12, 2008

Carlos on this anniversary authorizing the Iraq invasion

Antiwar activists gather on Common
Mark anniversary of vote authorizing the Iraq invasion

Carlos Arredondo has traveled across 20 states with his portable memorial to his son, a Marine who died in Iraq during his second tour of duty in 2004. But yesterday, Arredondo was home in Boston, where he shared his memorial of hundreds of scrap-wood crosses, combat boots, synthetic flowers, and photographs of Alexander Arredondo at an antiwar rally.

Hundreds of protesters, some carrying "war is terrorism" posters, others wearing fluorescent yellow "stop the war" stickers, gathered on Boston Common for a National Day of Action Against the War rally, on the sixth anniversary of the congressional vote that authorized the invasion of Iraq. Veterans, student activists, and politicians were among those who spoke against the war.

"As a father it is my responsibility to honor my son, to let people know how I feel about it," Arredondo, 48, of Roslindale, said as he gazed at his son's 20-year-old face staring out from poster-size photographs hanging at his booth. "That's how wonderful the democracy in this country [is] - why we are all here today."