Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Sharon Hughes and her followers on the other side of the divide

December 6, 2006 UPDATE: (to a post from last April)

It came to my attention Sharon Hughes has added this post to her website under unbelievable quotes and linked this page to your site below. I guess she didn't like what I had to say about her views on killing so many people because you’re afraid of them. OR you "think" they were the ones who did a crime on nine eleven.

Sharon, where's the plane?

You have bought the story hook, line and sinker. I'm glad your sinker isn't big enough to bring our country lower than it has already fallen. Our last elections proved that. But still, there are the people who listen to your station and believe you. People who are so selfish, so power hungry, people living is so much fear that you have to kill because you think this action of death is protecting you.

I had to shake my head when I looked at your poll results on your website. I used to think we were all the same. We all wanted the best for all our neighbors. Years ago I found out about your kind and started this blog Divided We Stand. Just like the skin heads that are so full of hate they want to kill anyone who doesn't have white skin. I don't have to like them but I understand their right to exist. It doesn't mean I agree with them or wish they weren’t that way, but they are. Your 31% is here and we have to live with you. And I've learned, you will never change. Just like the skin heads.

I only wish others actions wouldn't have reactions to me and my children. But their actions will have reactions on us in our future.

My hope is in speaking to the people who cross my path and asking them if they vote. When we start talking about our countries actions I hear the same things I feel. We only have 30% vote in most of our elections. Imagine if everyone voted and we the people did take control of our country, we would have never done the things we have done in the past few years. Kill so many people while taking our own freedoms away at home. People are waking up, we are speaking to one another. We will not let Sharons 31% (which would be smaller if people did get involved) take our country to places we should not be...torture.

May peace be - inside all of us,

original post

The truth is coming out. Some people refuse to see the truth just like they refuse to accept the knowledge that 9/11 had nothing to do with Iraq.

War in Iraq - Who Is Telling the Truth? By Sharon Hughes

The American people have heard so many conflicting stories about the attitudes of the Iraqi people towards America, as well as our soliders' attitudes about the war effort, that reporting such stories has become a battleground in and of itself.

There is no doubt that negative feedback about the war is emphasized by the mainstream media which, while accusing legislators of politicizing the war, in fact are as guilty, if not more, of doing the same. Case in point: Cindy Sheehan. Who would argue that the air and print time given to this anti- war poster-mom of the left wasn't exhaustive? Yet hardly a mention has been given to the Blue Star Moms and others who have also lost sons in the war, and have something to say, but from a different point of view than Sheehan. Let's not forget, the media made Cindy Sheehan.

The headlines of major print media, especially online where articles are grouped by topic, could be enough to make the less informed think we are losing the war, that the effort and sacrifice paid already by our troops have been in vain. However, when you read the stories themselves, very often there's little substance to support the headline accusations, once you get past the spin.

That's why I like to read and hear it from the Iraqi people, our soldiers, and others who are not interested in politicizing the war.

I had to write her a letter:
(hey, she asked for it. Send yours
Contact: )

Please tell me what 9/11 had to do with Iraq? NOTHING

Our BRAVE YOUNG HERO'S are being used as PAWNS for the love of power and money. I support the troops. I support them so much I want to save their lives by bringing them home.

Oh, I know I'll get a ton of mail for saying these things from those who disagree. But I comfort myself with the knowledge that the vast majority of Americans wish there was no such thing as war, but understand the consequences of not standing up to the bullies of the world. If you can say anything about America, you can say this...we will not be beaten in the school yard of the world.

Maybe you will get a lot of mail because your on the wrong side of the truth. The majority of Americans know this so called war is wrong and we don't want the torture that goes along with it. We don't like our freedom taken away by setting up free speach zones, spying on people that disagree while our military think they are fighting to peserve our freedom at home. The school yard bullies of the world reside in the White House. Our actions have reactions. You can't bully other humans like yourself without breeding so much hate in them they want to fight you back...and BOOM, we're all gone. Killing begets more killing...when will your kind ever learn?

Stop spreading and living in fear, for all our sake.

May PEACE be inside all of us